Good morning.....evening...... or maybe just day

I am Kim Draper. Salutations. This is my blog full of my mind, emotion and contents. If you wish to find someone else, you may need to go elsewhere.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bit of Lovely randomness.

So here I sit again, phone at my side and television blaring in the background and think....... this has become the American lifestyle. How lazy am I? Something needs to get me whipped into shape or my efforts are useless.
Just a tidbit of information here and there for this post. 1. If you are excersizing and asking for results in a week, forget about it. Ghandi didn't teach all of his knowledge in one week. Piccaso did not make a painting in a day. Things are impossible in this world if you ask so much. Time to start thinking small. Like Benjamin Franklin quoted; take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. Food for thought.
I realized on my paper route what my favorite flower is. I sat mindlessly, listening to the Ceasars, popping handful after handful of sunflower seeds in my mouth and........ BANG!!!! It hit me. I LOVE SUNFLOWERS. More than I coud love life itself. The beauty, the tall majesty of this flower just riddles me with admiration. Oh what a specimen! I want a million of them!
I wish I could have a day of my life spent in the mountains, alone, fending for myself against the odds. Wouldn't it be nice? I think everyone needs a chance to watch into the Wild. Maybe then will you understand my reasonings. Ah well, I'm off to my lovely little dreamland. So long little liars and lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
